Can there be a Practical Dharma?

It has been over a year since I posted here and there has been very little posted the past two years or more. It is amazing how quickly time goes by.
My last post was about using mindful practices to deal with stress. In the past two years, I was working at the hospital as an administrator, working on starting an in-home behavior analysis practice, and maintaining a small ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy) based private practice. Beginning 3/1/13, I stopped working at the hospital and I have given most of the in-home behavior analysis practice to a colleague (we are working to transition the last one to his company in April). I will be focusing my attention on the small private practice. As part of that, I expect to have more time for this web site.
Because of my experience in the past year (there were many challenging life events), I know there can be a practical dharma that brings peace of mind in the real world. Even through this past year, I was blessed to remain connected to the present moment most of the time. My meditation practice and mind training with slogans were pillars to that end. In addition, the practical dharma philosophy has been instrumental in maintaining equanimity even during the very trying past year, so I would like to begin sharing it again through this web site.
I made it through the past year with peace of mind, through the help of a practical dharma.
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