Enjoying the ride to the cemetery

Meeting Buddha on the Road
I posted on this topic once before (http://web.archive.org/web/20070520195445/www.practicaldharma.com/?m=200601) in January, 2006. "It" happened to me again the other day. There is an employee of the hospital that everyone knows because he delivers the sheets and blankets to all of the units. He is a bit of a character. He wears a uniform that looks a little bit like a police uniform with motorcycle boots (although it is in compliance with the uniform standard for his department.) He rolls the sleeves of his (always) short sleeve shirt up, and sometimes I think I can see what looks like a pack of cigarettes in that James Dean style. (This would be purely for affect because smoking is not allowed anywhere on hospital grounds.) He wears his hair in a sorta Mohawk, although the sides are not overly short. I have seen him ride up to work on his motorcycle.
I was taking a shortcut through the hospital basement when I ran into him. He said he could hardly wait for Friday, even though this was Tuesday afternoon. I casually mentioned that I had a good weekend, but that I don't like to "wish my life away by living for the future". He picked up right away, saying, "Yes, you can't enjoy the moment you are in if you do that." Then he said, "... like, you can't even enjoy a nice ride to the cemetery...." He seemed embarrassed that he had said that and added some short explanation, "... like if you were going there for a family member ...." But I was enthusiastic in my agreement with him. I thought he said the most profound thing I have heard from the mouth of another in years!
I hope I can live in the moment to enjoy this ride to the cemetery.
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