
Patrick C Quinn, PhD, MHA

I'm a licensed psychologist with a long standing interest in Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology. It has been said that the Buddha was a psychologist (rather than a prophet or deity as in traditional religions). In my judgment, the teachings of the Buddha were more psychological than spiritual, and Practical Dharma is in this tradition.  My theoretical orientation in psychology is Behavioral Analysis and Contextualism.

Practical Dharma ( is about Buddhist Philosophy not religious Buddhism. The views expressed are compatible with many religious or spiritual practices. (However, this is Buddhism Without Beliefs as in Stephen Batchelor's great book with the same title.)

I hope that people of all philosophical, religious, and spiritual backgrounds will find something of use or interest here. Please let me know in a reply, if any post offends you so I can make amends. However, I already understand not everyone will agree with much of that presented here. Before you attempt to correct my misunderstandings of philosophy, religion, or reality; please remember there is essentially the same likelihood you can convert me as I can convert you.

MHA - Master of Healthcare Administration

PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Behavior Analysis and Clinical Psychology